Start with a bridge, end with a bridge.

The estate rangers have been hard at work fully replacing the bridge at Three Falls – modelled here by Ranger Dog Juno –  remember when they replaced Kelburn Bridge at the start of 2023?

Did you know Novembers Moon is called the Beaver Moon?

Each month’s full moon has a name, from Wolf Moon to Worm Moon to Strawberry Moon.

Interesting Office Visitors

During the quiet weekdays some cheeky wildlife have been paying us a visit in the office.

A Robin and a Squirrel have both been up on the desk!

Check out this creative way to clean out the Pond!

The digger used old tree trunks to stay out of the deep pond mud and scoop out the old leaves.

Have you heard this joke: Did you hear they stole an owl?


Rangers Carol and Adam spotted this lovely Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) while finishing set-up for the Christmas event.